Thursday, May 21, 2009

NEW Mortgage Highlights!

If you are interested in the entire "Highlights" report, just e-mail me and I can forward you the scanned information in its entirety:

FHA Price Limits as of January 1, 2009
FHA Mortgage Insurance Premiums
Utah Housing Income Limits
Rural Housing Income Limits
Rural Housing Highlights
Rural Housing Income Limits by County
  • Utah Housing does NOT run out of Money
  • Homes may be existing or new construction
  • Single family detached, twin homes, PUD or approved condos
  • Homes may be located anywhere in Utah and MUST meet FHA/VA guidelines
  • Borrower may NOT have had ownership in a primary residence in the previous three years unless the home is located in a targeted area.
  • Minimum credit score is 660

Inquire about the entire "Highlights" at above website...

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Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

May Day, as a day of celebration has ancient origins, and it can relate to many customs that have survived into modern times. I remember as a school teacher, all the grade school children went around the May Pole. Many of these customs are due to May Day being a cross-quarter day, meaning that it falls approximately halfway between the spring equinox and summer solstice.

May is here and if you haven't done it already, stop and smell a few flowers! They have been hidden beneath the snow for many months. Just Take a minute from your busy life to appreciate something small and beautiful. It doesn't take a lot of time and it's a great reminder to be thankful for the little things. I hope that you're enjoying the beginning of spring.

In addition to Real Estate, my daughter and I have started a cleaning business, called "Steams My Team". We use a hot, dry steam machine that uses 299 degree water to clean without using any chemicals - GREEN cleaning!

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